Bambauer Club Lambs

For the past 37 years we have been raising club lambs, with the goal of producing powerful, functionally sound lambs, with show ring eye appeal. 

Currently our Flock consist of 40 yearling brood ewes, all sired by a Napoleon son called “Fatboy”. 

Prior to that sire, we used a “Trueblood” son purchased from Wheaton’s (“Trueblood” is also the sire of “Napoleon”). 

Beyond that we used a ram that was out of the predominant “7021” ewe line of Wheaton’s. 

As you can see our current brood ewes and genetics are predominantly Wheaton. The Mission of Bambauer Club Lambs is to raise a natural hard handling lamb, that handles with a lot of rack shape, is wide based, moves freely on its feet and legs and has show ring appeal.


Visit us

We are located 10 minutes from I-75 and 5 minutes from St. Rt. 33. Take I-75 to St. Rt. 33 at Wapakoneta, Ohio. Take St. Rt. 33 west 5 miles to Kettlersville Rd. Turn south on Kettlersville Rd. and follow through two stop signs for 3 miles. We are located on the south side of Bambauer Fertilizer & Seed.

Map to Leffel's.gif